With all the use of social networks, for me, FaceBook, its difficult to maintain this one. That and the insane busy lifestyles I'm both apart of and witness constantly. Though painful, I'm looking forward to the collapse of this society. It is not sustainable, even in my most conservative dreams. Too many people into too much denial and distraction. I'm not saying that I know the future, I just know that what we're doing today, what we're attached to, won't sustain us, won't maintain us. Yet with all the fear and shame and frustration in each of us (okay, I'm writing this, so I'll say, "in me" - yet I've owned my Demons and they're not very housebroken), I'm not optimistic. I challenge you to make me wrong. I so wish to see all of us blossom into what we're capable of, I'll happily own being ignorant of the sudden blooming of us all. I'll even share it on FaceBook.