Wednesday, July 30

It's Been a While

Well this boy's been just too busy for words - and since there's very few of you checking in, I don't always feel compelled to add, but that's not very optimistic of me, is it?

So since last time I blogged, I've been to the California World Music Festival and a great drumming get together in Auberry. Both were fantastic and a great chance to be with friends who've been deeply missed. Unfortunately, my dear Ruby was not involved much in either event and subsequently I have seen a little less of the girl. And guess what? She's about to be one year old!! Yoiks!! And to celebrate both her's and some other kiddo's BD's, this family unit - Ruby, her Mamma & me went to Three Rivers to hang with grand parents, friends, their young children, and family. Too much fun. Plus, while in 3R, I got to go to Sunday Night Drumming with the KRDC! Ruby did visit with that for a brief time - but crashed soon after. Mom came down and rescued her back to Grandpa Richies.

Thursday, July 3

Independent Energy in the News

Click Here to read about a solar installation I'm working full time upon.

Wednesday, July 2

Play Date and Gardening

Last weekend was another baby's birthday. There are so many around Santa Cruz, I honestly forget who's BD it actually was. It was the significant 9 month celebration, or as I like to call it the "Now More Out Than In" event.

Ruby made new friends and got to play with her pal Jaden. The toys kids have now a days - gez, more electronical, more 'safe' (unless you count lead paint and off-gassing plastics), and definitely bent towards 'inspiring' (read 'directing') our little rug rats' imaginations. Still reviewing these things on a case-by-case basis....

Ruby loves to explore things and that's healthy and normal for a toddler. My garden is starting to take off and though she likes the plants and flowers, what she really goes for is the plant's identification tags, you know, those colored plastic things that come with the plant (or plants if you buy them small enough), and so now I'm not sure what's what. Actually, I'm only confused between me broccoli and kale, but they're getting bigger and easier to tell apart.

The garden's been a great contribution to my sanity and my relations with my neighbors, especially since it turned an eyesore part of their yard into a thriving place to retreat to. Jane, the matriarch of this homestead (the entire house is a rental, I just live in the converted garage) has decorated the garden with whimsical items she's collected over the years - small statues, bits of driftwood and glass bobbles. The peas and tomatoes are starting to flower, so soon we'll be enjoying more good things from here!