Ruby made new friends and got to play with her pal Jaden. The toys kids have now a days - gez, more electronical, more 'safe' (unless you count lead paint and off-gassing plastics), and definitely bent towards 'inspiring' (read 'directing') our little rug rats' imaginations. Still reviewing these things on a case-by-case basis....
The garden's been a great contribution to my sanity and my relations with my neighbors, especially since it turned an eyesore part of their yard into a thriving place to retreat to. Jane, the matriarch of this homestead (the entire house is a rental, I just live in the converted garage) has decorated the garden with whimsical items she's collected over the years - small statues, bits of driftwood and glass bobbles. The peas and tomatoes are starting to flower, so soon we'll be enjoying more good things from here!
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