I took Ruby to the World Music Festival at Grass Valley (sadly Annette couldn't get to come). Good Friends and music all around but a special shout-out to Karen Folger and Jon Bowls for hangin' with me and the Rubster (esp Karen for watching RJ while I had to do those early morning bathroom runs - single moms, how do you manage! Too busy for photos at the actual event, but seeing all that talent (Los Lobos, the Indigo Girls, Om Ensemble, Fishtank Ensemble and too many others) and Ruby dancing on the lawn with others - super great.
I received numerous comments from folks on how great it was to see a single dad taking his daughter to such an event. One guy claimed he was a therapist and after seeing me felt a renewal in his faith in men as fathers. He'd seen too too too many fatherless children in his line of work. Renewed my energy in the moment as keeping track of a two year old while tending to camp needs can be a challenge!
What a privelege to hang out with you and Ruby. I'm a Rubster fan for life! Bummer on the photos. And I had my camera too. Until next time, Lots of love to both of you, Karen
Wil: you truly are doing a great job as a DAD - any male can be a sperm donor and therefore a father - it takes someone special to be a Dad. From a Dad of two kiddos - well done! Charles
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